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Showing posts from 2019

Bryan Hullihen starts telling his own story

Up until this point my story it has been lived by me and delivered to you in writing by somebody else due to the fact that I have been in prison for several years following a relapse. For a while I considered allowing that person to continue to write my story for me, however, I feel that a story is best told by the person who lived it. By this time in my life I was completely defeated and was willing to do whatever I needed to do in order to stop suffering so I entered into the treatment facility that my sister got me into with a level of humility that I hadn't felt in a long time. I fought against myself for far too long and I was done fighting. When I arrived at the treatment facility it was a whirlwind of questions and intake procedures so by the time it was all finished I was exhausted and soon after being given some detox medications I was out for the count for several hours. When I woke up the next day I was directed to a group that was filled with firefighters as this was j

Bryan Hullihen's intro to other drugs

Around this time Bryan Hullihen moved back to Jupiter Florida with his friend who's name was also Brian. Bryan rented a room from his friend's mother for a small amount of money that he paid each week. It was a good thing that it wasn't a lot of money because he didn't make much. Bryan got a job working for a landscaping company where he worked each day during the week and quickly proved his worth to the organization. At this point in Bryan's life he would not touch alcohol and truly believed his problem to solely be that concerning the use of alcohol which is exactly why he found it so easy to decide to start smoking pot again at twenty-one  years old. Every day Bryan went to work he would see so many of the people that he worked with smoking pot with seeming impunity and, with the belief that his problem was solely alcohol, he found easy to jump off that cliff one morning with the rest of his crew. That day was a breeze for Bryan as he recalls barely thinking abo